viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

A future sociologist

When I imagine the future, the first that I think is I will do a master’s or a doctorate, because I want to specialize in something. And I like themes like inequality, poverty and especially the topic of penitentiary system, because I believe in the social reintegration of the prisoners.  I would like to work making public policies to change the social reality, even a little or for one person, that’s enough for me.
I think outdoor work and indoor work is necessary, but I prefer indoor work, because I am a little shy. But I think in the future I will control myself and the outdoor work would be easier for me. And I would like to travel a lot, inside the country, because I need to know the different realities and obviously, outside the country to study and specialize in one subject.
I don’t like offices, I would like to have a study or something like that, because for me an office is synonym of stress and bureaucracy, but it could be different than I expect to, and with the correct people an office could be nice.

And finally, I would like to teach in some universities, but I think joining the academic work is very difficult, maybe impossible. You have to be the best and have a “pituto”. But if everything goes well I would one day.

2 comentarios:

  1. Is very good that you are interested in social reintegration ;)
    And nothing is impossible!!

  2. I believe in the social reintegration of the prisoners too!! maybe can we work together
